2023 Term 1 Week 7 Newsletter
Prayer Focus

From the Principal
Kindergarten 2024 Enrolment
The enrolment process for Kindergarten 2024 is underway in our school.
Interested families can access the enrolment application form and fee schedule by clicking on the following link:

Thank you to all the families who have already submitted enrolment applications for 2024. Next year we will be introducing a family enrolment fee of $25. We are therefore encouraging parents to submit enrolment applications for subsequent children in future year groups at the same time in order to avoid extra costs.
Kindergarten enrolment interviews will take place during Term 2.
Any inquiries can be directed to our school office.
Open Day
We are holding our first Open Day for any prospective parents on Thursday, 30 March, 9.30am-11.00am. During this time families can undertake a school tour and chat to our Student Leaders and members of the Leadership Team to find out more about our beautiful school.

Caroline Lewis
Faith & Mission
Easter Raffle

Stage Parent Support Teams
Thank you to the following parents who have volunteered to be on Stage Parent Support Teams. We are still looking for an additional volunteer in Kindergarten and two volunteers for Stage 3. Please contact the school Office if you would like to join a team.

Parent Forum Meeting
There will be a Parent Forum meeting next Tuesday, 21 March from 6.30pm to 8.00pm in the Library. The Parent Forum is a great way for parents to have a voice in school decision making and therefore all parents are invited to attend. If you would like to participate but are unable to attend in person, please join via Zoom, link and password below. The main agenda item for this meeting is the 2023 School Fete.
Password: 748748

Katrina Ryan
Assistant Principal Mission
All Things Learning & Teaching
A big congratulations to all of Year 3 and Year 5, whom over the course of this week have completed the national literacy and numeracy tests (NAPLAN). We are very proud of each and everyone of you.

The testing period runs until Monday, 27 March and catch up opportunities will be available for students absent on the days that NAPLAN has taken place. However Year 3 writing catch-up tests must be completed by Monday 20 March.
Thank you to both Stage 2 and 3 teachers for ensuring that the students are confident, calm and prepared for this snapshot testing. Special thanks to Mrs Katrina Ryan and Mrs Suzie Coster ensuring smooth transitions each day.

Sharon de Dassel
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching
Communicating Diversity
Harmony Week
This year we will celebrate Harmony Week like never before! Our Cultural Diversity Student Leadership Team has developed a fun-filled week, open to all students that incorporates language, literacy, music and prayer. Students are invited to attend sessions throughout the week, run by peers who are excited to share aspects of their cultural backgrounds. The culmination of the week will be at our Assembly on Friday, 24 March where students and family members are invited to read prayers in languages from around the world. If you would like to share, stories, music or aspects of your culture, please contact Mr Pallotta at angelo.pallotta@lism.catholic.edu.au.
Please note that Tuesday, 21 March is a Mufti Day. All students are invited to wear traditional cultural clothes or significant colours from a culture of their choice.

Laura Cooke
Leader of EAL / D
Sporting Roundup
Diocesan Representative
Congratulations Ellie on being selected for the Diocesan Hockey and Touch Football teams. What a super star!

School Cross Country Carnival
If there are any parents who would like to volunteer at the Cross Country Carnival on Friday, 24 March, please contact the school office.

Sarah Jennings
Leader of Sport
Supervision of students at school
Our school opens for supervision from 8.30am, staff members are present from this time to supervise and ensure the safety of all students. Therefore, we kindly ask that you drop off your child after 8:30am and not leave them unsupervised on school grounds before this time.
We understand that some families may need to drop off their child earlier due to work or other commitments, but we urge you to enrol your child in OOSH (details below). The reason being is that there are a number of potential safety concerns if students are left unsupervised.
Furthermore, arriving before 8:30am can also cause disruptions to the staff members who are preparing for the day's activities and lessons.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter. As always, the safety and wellbeing of our students are our top priorities, and we thank you for helping us maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for all. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Counsellor's Corner
Program for Term 2
During Term 2 we will have a social skills program on offer and available to students in Stages 1 and 2. Please read about this program below and contact the school for a permission note if you are interested in your child participating in this program. Permission notes will need to be returned to school by Friday, 24 March.

Stop, Think, Do: For Stage 1 & Stage 2 ONLY
Number of Sessions: Up to 20
Number of Participants: 6-8
Facilitated by: Alessandra Isgro and Helen Hunt
Using the traffic light analogy "Stop, Think, Do" is an Australian social skills program for students who are having social-emotional difficulties. The program aims to build your child’s capacity in the following critical skills including social cues, self control, cognitive skills, behavioural skills, pro-social motivation and utilising support from significant people to continue to implement and develop these skills not only at school but in day-to-day life. The program also focuses on developing your child’s capacity to problem solve and work through conflicts with peers.
As the program is lengthy, the Leadership and Pastoral Care Teams will meet to discuss referrals and select students. If your child is not selected you will be notified and alternative support will be discussed.
Alessandra Isgro
School Counsellor
Bus Incident
We have been made aware there was an incident, during the week, involving a bus carrying some St Francis Xavier students (and students from other local schools) travelling home from school. It is our understanding there weren't any injuries, however and understandably the students were quite shaken by what took place. We urge parents with any concerns regarding this incident to contact the bus company involved. The school is also liaising with the bus company.
Canteen News
Students have been enjoying the delicious homecooked meals provided at the Canteen. We are extremely grateful to the parents and grandparents who have volunteered an hour of their time to help out.
If you would like to volunteer in the Canteen on a Wednesday or a Friday from 9.00am-10.15am or 10.15am-11.30am please contact the school office or click on the link below:
Caroline Burbridge
Canteen Supervisor
Donations Needed
We would appreciate donations of magazines for class activities. All genres are welcome eg. lifestyle, food, cars, fishing etc. Please send magazines to the Office.

Gold Token winners
Well done to all token recipents this week and congratulations to the Gold Token winners!